my oc world

Name: Ines
Age: 26
Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: they/she/he
Species: dainty
Race: puerto rican
Orientation: bisexual


Ines is very flamboyant, and loves to put on a show and be in the spotlight. They tend to be a harsh person, and when they don't like someone or something they did they'll say it outright without regards to others. Contrarily, they're very sensitive to rejection from others and are known to lash out when they feel they've been wronged. They live life constantly doing whatever they want, not caring about if it hurts themselves or others, and thus tend to fit in with bad crowds. They keep the fact that they're very lonely and care a lot about others' opinions hidden, covering it up by being flashy and rude.


Ines was raised by a single father, who was an alcoholic and very neglectful. They grew up without any real nurturing or care in their life, and thus would seek it elsewhere, becoming a very attention seeking and loud child. They quickly developed a mindset that any attention is good attention, and would act out in order to receive the care they were missing from others.

As a teenager she began to lash out more and more at her father, taking out her frustrations about her life on him. It frustrated her that he didn't seem to care, and would brush off her antics and turn to drink for every situation. She started to sneak out of the house at least twice a week in order to wander the city and pretend to be older than she was to get into parties.

Ines left home as soon as he turned 18, but due to having no support fron his father he had no money for any sort of higher education. Instead, he got part time jobs at various stores, and ended up doing cam work on the side to get more money. He liked the attention, but continued to crave more, and got fired more than once for being rude to customers. However, when his cam business grew over the years he didn't need to work store jobs anymore to support himself.

Eventually, they got into a bad crowd with people who abused drugs and alcohol, and were willing to tolerate their loud and rude behavior as long as they entertained him. As such, they ended up abusing alcohol just like their father had, using drinks to calm any bad feelings or situation they got themselves into. They started living paycheck to paycheck, spending all their time out partying and drinking and making a scene of themselves. They forcibly repress all their feelings and memories of their childhood, instead drowning themselves in the attention of others to pretend they have no problems.

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